
Ralph Hamby

My name is Ralph L. Hamby Jr. I am currently 37 but that will change September 25th, the day I was brought into this beautiful cruel world! At least that’s what I grown to believe; in my youth. Wise and witty I’ve been told, But, much love to my creator for equipping with the necessities I need to Rep. The year of the Tiger! Yup! 86′. Being that I’m a Libra, I’m petty well balanced, But.. That wasn’t always the case. I had low emotional intelligence when I was younger. It wasn’t till my incarceration that I realized my choice of living was UNHEALTHY and NOT NORMAL. From insecurities to low self-esteem that grew into codependency just to fulfill my void of love, respect, recognition and acceptance. I went from toxic relationships to knowing my self worth, and knowing I’m deserving of love & respect. I find myself today with a much more healthier self-esteem, through exercise, education, and believing I am who I am, and glad to say I’M My Best Me. This, Compared to feeling I always had something to prove, doing something’s crazy Just to get that laugh or pat on the back. I went from abusing alcohol to understanding I must first be physically sober in order to gain true emotional sobriety! Today, I see my barber skills. That brings me joy! I know who I am, what I want in life and where I’m going.

Can’t wait to one day be home with my son & daughter, as a (single father). Ladies! Lol but all jokes aside, just to be a present dad to give them the love and attention they deserve; my world! The knowledge I’ve  gain through E.A.T! I see success not only in me, but also the team and the mentees. I look forward to life outside these prison walls, my future looks bright. Can’t wait to see the reincarnated, improved ME, and find my way to success with God, family, true friends, mother nature, freedom, career, and enjoy life with appreciation. I’m am happy, excited, and appreciative to be on the E.A.T team with Harry and the rest of the crew, good work every body ” LET’S EAT!!!!”

Helping People Heal