Why Choose E.A.T.

Emotional Awareness Talks

Why Choose E.A.T.?

A 12 Step Emotional Awareness Program

Our mission is to bring awareness towards the effects of misled emotional sobriety. We highlight the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence through our 12-Step Program. We are a preventative measure to the retributive system, within society or incarcerated.

Invitation:  You are invited to see E.A.T., a 12 Step Emotional Awareness Program in action at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center.  The program meets Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:40pm or Saturdays 6:00pm to 7:45pm every week.

E.A.T. is an proven 12 step self-help program. E.A.T. guides participants to be more consciously aware of the traumas of life with a viable method of responding to emotional traumatic incidents. Our practice  will divert participants from reacting violently when triggered. E.A.T. 12 step methodology and proven tools help participants develop better coping skills enabling better and stronger decision making as we learn to heal.

All – In – 1 Diversion Program – Participants will gain awareness in:            Domestic Violence・ Alcohol Addiction・Gang Awareness・Educational Trauma・Self-care・Mental Wellness・Community Building・Code Switching・Cognitive Behavioral Therapy・Cognitive Distortions・Relationship Building・Mindful Meditation


  • To provide the E.A.T. Diversion program as an alternative to incarceration as well as other programs where E.A.T. will benefit those who struggle.
  • Grow the program outside of San Quentin Rehabilitation Center.
  • A program will be run by formerly incarcerated to prevent future incarceration funded through grants and donations. 

Disclaimer:  This program provides peer support and wellness activities of a non-clinical nature and is not a substitute for licensed therapy, counseling, or medical treatment. We do not diagnose or treat mental health conditions.

Helping People Heal